Cancer with a light of hope 2024

  • 2024.5.21

    Cancer with a light of hope 2024

    I was diagnosed with liver cancer(intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, stage 4) in March, 2023. In addition, it had metastasized to the lymph nodes. Therefore, I was not able to take the abdominal operation for liver resection. Instead
    I started taking the anticancer treatment in April, 2023 and since then 8 cycles of chemotherapy were provided.
    Although I’m still suffering from the afterfeffects of side effects - nausea and muscle pain(I can’t raise my arm), my tumor and involvement of lymph nodes were gone out.
    I am so lucky. I would’t be surprised if I died at the end of last year. It’s a ground breaking case without precedent.
    I can feel the light now. It’s all about being alive.

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